
he/him - 19 - editor and general shitposter who just likes to have fun online :p #mitsubanation leader

pfp by aidairo

"How about I die too. So that we can be together forever.”


  • cats

  • mitsuba + mitsukou

  • pink stuff

  • strawberry flavored anything


  • mitsuba haters

  • carrots


  • my activity is scattered across multiple platforms cuz i dont like to stick to one thing for too long sooo if im inactive on whatever you're following me on, thats why.

  • i am not interesting in befriending or following back anyone under 16, i dont care if you follow me first but i will not follow you back

  • please dont tag me in those "you follow x" posts unless they're like, a pedo or something, i will just block you. i dont really care what my mutuals do unless its outright illegal

  • i spam abt stupid shit all the time and im prone to get into fights. sorry

  • im autistic and it often makes me look like an asshole cuz i dont often really know what to say or how to say it correctly


im not very strict on this because i normally just block anyone i find weird. but dni if you think you are a bigger mitsuba fan than me, you are not. also dni weirdos who think narcissistic abuse is a valid label you can fuck right off.


click here to see where else you can find me!

    I LOVE MY SON!!! the love for my son is eternal and forver. almost 5 years ago i came across this life changing pink creature (who unfortunately was introduced to me by a complete asshole who i will murder someday trust me) and i just felt connected to him near immediately... he's so similar to me in ways that areso scary to me. his parents look like mine. i also have a blonde best friend, WHO LITERALLY STOPPED ME FROM KILLING MYSELF. my dad is also dead and died when i was a kid unfortunately. my favorite color is also pink and i was also relentlessly bullied in school because kids didnt like the real me WELL TOO FUCKING BAD YOU'RE ALL; LOSERS. anyways i too am the annoying friend to take along in stores because depending on what it is i will lose my fucking mind. i hate anyone who hates him and i do not acknowledge mitsuba fans who believe they are bigger fans of him than i am, because again, you are not. mitsuba has changed my life for the better and this silly pink creature is basically me, i have a nearly 2 gb folder exclusively of manga panels involving him and my edits of him, i love every version of him and every time i see new media of him i scream and i feel a huge sense of happiness and im just like Yay ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤